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Benonica Angelova

Top 10 Customer Service Metrics

Managing the performance of a customer service team requires a strategy that's built around certain customer service KPIs and goals that you set up for your customer experience.

Here is a list of the top 20 customer service metrics, along with their definitions and calculation formulas:

Metric Name

Metric Definition

Metric Calculation Formula

​Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

The degree to which a customer is satisfied with a product or service

(Number of satisfied customers / Total number of customers) x 100

​First Contact Resolution (FCR)

The percentage of customer inquiries that are resolved during the first interaction with a customer service representative

(Number of inquiries resolved on first contact / Total number of inquiries) x 100

​Net Promoter Score (NPS)

A measure of customer loyalty based on the likelihood that a customer will recommend a company's product or service to others

​(Number of promoters - Number of detractors) / (Total number of respondents) x 100

Customer Effort Score (CES)

The degree to which a customer perceives that they had to put effort into interacting with a company's customer service

(Number of low-effort interactions / Total number of interactions) x 100

​Average Handling Time (AHT)

​The average amount of time it takes for a customer service representative to handle a customer inquiry or issue

Total handling time / Total number of interactions

​Time to Resolution

The amount of time it takes for a customer service representative to resolve a customer inquiry or issue

​Time spent on resolving a customer inquiry or issue

Average Resolution Time

The average amount of time it takes for a customer service representative to resolve a customer inquiry or issue

Total time spent on resolving all customer inquiries or issues / Total number of inquiries or issues

Issue Escalation Rate

The percentage of customer inquiries or issues that are escalated to a higher level of support

(Number of inquiries or issues escalated / Total number of inquiries or issues) x 100

Call Abandonment Rate

The percentage of customers who hang up before speaking with a customer service representative

​(Number of abandoned calls / Total number of incoming calls) x 100

Self-Service Success Rate

The percentage of customer inquiries or issues that are successfully resolved through self-service channels (such as an FAQ or a knowledge base)

(Number of inquiries or issues resolved through self-service / Total number of inquiries or


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